O:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN <i>example:</i> 1:24-cv-05692 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 HelpDesk&#064;nysd.uscourts.gov 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday Southern District of New York (212) 805-0136 Not Set 15-MISC-131 Civil Cases opened by Attorneys that were closed pursuant to Standing Order 15-mc-131 17-MISC-201 Miscellaneous Cases opened by Attorneys that were closed pursuant to Standing Order 17-mc-201 1983-PLAN Section 1983 Plan 2255 Motion 2255 30/60 30/60 Days Due - Amended Pleading, IFP, Fee, Prisoner Authorization, Signature ADMCLO Administrative Closing APPEAL Appeal ARBITRATION Arbitration BKREF Bankruptcy Referral CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED Case Seal Reviewed CASREF Case referred CLOSED Case Closed COMPLEX Complex Case COMPLEX-CSMGMT Pilot Project Regarding Case Management Techniques for Complex Civil Cases CRIMINAL-DUTY Criminal Duty CROSBY CROSBY CUSTAPP Conditions of Release Appeal ECF Electronic Case Filing ENE Early neutral evaluation EXPEDITED Expedited Case HABEAS Habeas Corpus HLDSTN Hold State Court Transcript INTAPP Interlocutory Appeal INTERPRETER Interpreter INTL-ARB International Arbitration LEAD Consolidated Lead MAGAPP Magistrate Appeal MAGCONSENT Magistrate Judge Consent MDL Multi-District Litigation MEDIATION Mediation MEDT1 Mediator Report 1 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT2 Mediator Report 2 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT3 Mediator Report 3 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT4 Mediator Report 4 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT5 Mediator Report 5 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT6 Mediator Report 6 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDT7 Mediator Report 7 DISCONTINUED 6/30/2014 MEDTFR1 Final Report of Mediator 1 MEDTFR2 Final Report of Mediator 2 MEDTFR3 Final Report of Mediator 3 MEDTFR4 Final Report of Mediator 4 MEDTFR5 Final Report of Mediator 5 MEDTFR6 Final Report of Mediator 6 MEDTFR7 Final Report of Mediator 7 MEDTFR8 Final Report of Mediator 8 MEDTFR9 Final Report of Mediator 9 MEMBER Consolidated Member MERGED Case Merged MJ-ADMCLO MJ Criminal Duty Cases opened by AUSAs that were closed pursuant to Standing Order 23-mc-213 MJSELECT Magistrate Judge Selected MOTREF Motion referred MSTDY Mediation Study Case MULTIPLE_CVB_VIOLATIONS Multiple CVB Violations NON-ECF-PARTY Non-ECF Party PATENT-PILOT Patent Cases Pilot Program PJ-BDP Previous Judge - Barrington D. Parker PLRA Prison Litigation Reform Act Section 7(2)(g)(2) PMJ-LMS Previous Magistrate Judge - Lisa M. Smith PRIOR Prior Magistrate Case PRO-SE Pro Se Case R33.2 Rule 33.2 REFERRED Referred RELATED Related REOPEN Case Reopened SEALED Case Sealed SIMILAR Similar SM Special Master STANDARD Standard Case STAYED Case Stayed SUSPENSE Suspense TSTUDY Time Study Case WP-4 White Plains Civil Docket December 1, 2003 Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007
HelpDesk&#064;nysd.uscourts.gov 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (212) 805-0136
Southern District of New York
300 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY 10601
HelpDesk&#064;nysd.uscourts.gov 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (914) 390-4100
10.1 MB 15.1MB PACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549 pacer&#064;psc.uscourts.gov (800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area <1>Foley Square <2>Foley Square - Suspense <5>Quality Control <7>White Plains <8>White Plains - Suspense NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.2 (Revision